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Cathy’s Flowers

Congratulations and well done to Cathy’s Flowers in Cornwall Street for raising £1,100 for the Keep Me Close appeal at their September coffee morning.

Cathy’s granddaughter Ava was born at 27 weeks weighing only 1lb 3oz and was kept on a ventilator for 54 days. She was diagnosed with several medical conditions including severe chronic lung disease. After being told that Ava was unlikely to make it and to prepare themselves to say goodbye, due to the amazing care she received at the Derriford Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, she pulled through and is now at home with her parents.

Cathy decided to do a charity morning in aid of the charity which raises funds for the ward.  A big thanks to all of you who supported the event by donating baked treats, raffle prizes and popping along to buy something.