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New Interiors Stall at Plymouth Market

Plymouth Market may not be the first place that springs to mind when updating your interior, but one stall wants to change that.

A collaboration between two independent designer/makers, stall 126 hosts Michelle Wood Home and Sally’s Stall, both specialists in sustainable home accessories, with each business being started thanks to support from the New Enterprise Allowance.

Every item on the stall is individually handmade and unique – you will not find them anywhere else. Sally and Michelle also take commissions if you can’t find exactly what you’re after.

Sally Phipps opened Sally’s Stall, selling handmade cushions and home textiles, in October last year but really wanted a partner to expand the product range on the stall.

Michelle Wood works mainly with copper, concrete and driftwood, and joined the stall at the end of January. Michelle intended to sell online and at craft markets until their NEA advisor, Ann Penwell of PeoplePlus, put her in touch with Sally.

Michelle and Sally have more in common than being female craft entrepreneurs – they share a passion for environmental sustainability. Not only do they aim to be zero waste in their own businesses but they try to help other businesses reduce rubbish.

Sally takes waste from furniture manufacturing and incorporates in her textile designs.

Michelle repurposes household and industrial plastic waste to make concrete moulds, and is encouraging plumbers and heating engineers to pass on copper pipe off-cuts. “I moved to Plymouth to study architecture and my love of construction materials lives on in my designs!”

Both women have a good eye for potential in other people’s rubbish, particularly furniture, and smaller, exquisitely upcycled items also feature on the stall.

Sally said “We have complementary products and the same environmental ethos – sharing the stall just makes sense.”

Michelle added “I hadn’t considered Plymouth Market until Ann passed on Sally’s interest in a joint venture. I’m so glad she did as it’s wonderful to find a kindred spirit and I love being part of the community there.”

Contact information

Michelle Wood Home

Tel: 07966 514 782

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.facebook.com/michellewoodhome

Sally’s Stall

Tel: 07799 114 405

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.facebook.com/Sallys-Stall-recycled-reused-reloved-105180644304105/